Archimedes, who is considered one of the greatest mathematicians in history was also a physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer.
Archimedes, who is considered one of the greatest mathematicians in history was also a physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer.
Maria da Penha is a Brazilian women’s rights activist who has become a symbol of the fight against domestic violence in Brazil.
Elizabeth Packard fought for women’s rights and mental health reform in the 1800s after being wrongfully committed to a mental institution.
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian painter, engineer and scientist considered to be one of the greatest minds in history.
Radium Girls were female workers in the 1920s who painted watch dials with radium-laced paint. Their health suffered due to radium exposure.
Marie Curie revolutionized the study of radioactivity and, with her husband Pierre, discovered the chemical elements radium and polonium.
Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor who contributed to the design of the modern alternating current and electricity distribution system.
Alan Turing was a brilliant British mathematician and computer scientist. His work was crucial to crack the encryption of German Enigma Machines during WWII.