
Sunset at Jalapão – photo: vanessaobrzut – under license of Pixabay

Located in the state of Tocantins, Brazil, Jalapão is one of the main routes in Brazil for those who practice ecotourism and adventure tourism. The region is known for stunning natural landscapes, including dunes, waterfalls, rivers and crystal-clear water springs. The region is also home to a variety of wildlife, including jaguars, deer, anteaters, tapirs, capybaras, wolves, foxes, opossums, alligators and monkeys.

The Jalapão State Park was created in 2001 and its strategic position is in continuity with the Jalapão environmental protection area, the Serra Geral do Tocantins ecological station and the Nascentes do Rio Parnaíba National Park.

Considered the main tourist attraction in the state, it is an arid region cut by an immense web of rivers and streams. It has an average temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. The vegetation varies from low savannah to meadow, in addition to gallery forests close to rivers, lagoons, waterfalls, dunes, mountains and plateaus.

It was the recording location for the 18th season of the series Survivor, from the American CBS. It was recorded in November and December 2008. Furthermore, the region was also the setting for the recording of several scenes of a soap opera recorded by Globo (Brazilian channel) in 2017.

Some of Jalapão’s most popular tourist attractions include:

  • Jalapão Dunes: The dunes are a large expanse of sand dunes that can reach up to 30 meters in height. The dunes are a popular spot for hiking, sandboarding and camping.
  • Jalapão State Park: The park is a protected area that is home to a variety of wildlife and natural landscapes. The park is a popular place for hiking, camping and wildlife viewing.
  • Boilers: Boilers are springs of crystal clear water that bubble due to the pressure of underground water. The boilers are a popular spot for swimming, diving and relaxing.
  • Waterfalls: Jalapão is home to several waterfalls, including Cachoeira do Formiga, Cachoeira da Velha and Cachoeira dos Buritis. The waterfalls are a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing and picnics.

In short, Jalapão is a fascinating destination for nature lovers and adventurers, offering a unique experience in one of the most preserved and beautiful places in Brazil.

Jalapão Gallery


1 – Jalapão – https://www.to.gov.br/jalapao/w2szzqpn9qm
2 – Parque Estadual do Jalapão – https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parque_Estadual_do_Jalap%C3%A3o
3 – Microregion of Jalapão – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microregion_of_Jalap%C3%A3o#

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